In case, your car needs to be painted but you don't wish to spend the money on a professional paint job, you can easily paint it yourself! Here are a few tips that might be useful for you:
* Before beginning to paint, sand or grind out all rust spots. Always use a filler for areas that are heavily rusted.
* Use a masking tape to distinguish those areas that you don't want to paint. Sometimes, you will have to remove certain pieces of the car so as to paint evenly.
* A lot of time and money will be wasted on paint if you don't prime your car with a high-quality metal primer. The surfaces that are to be painted must be first covered with a primer.
* Paint using a high-quality enamel such as Rust-Oleum to protect your car and to enhance the durability of your paint job. To attain good results, you can also attach a spray can and air compressor or buy a snap-and-spray aerosol can holder from any store for a reasonable amount. These spray can holders help in producing an even flow and you don't have to hold the spray nozzle for a long period of time.
(ArticlesBase SC #2514486)
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