The dangerous practice happens when innocent road users are targeted when criminals drive into the back of them, intending to make false or inflated claims. If people do not notice this, then claims will be inflated, as unless it is picked up during the claim process by the car insurance company, the falsified accidents could go unnoticed.
A Car Insurance company have stated: "Even though police and insurers are making great headway in eliminating the threat of cash-for-crash accidents, there are still thousands more cases that slip under the radar. The reason for this is that motorists either aren't aware of this threat, or aren't able to spot the signs that they have become a victim. If more drivers were made aware of the dangers they are facing, it becomes more likely that they will be able to report anything unusual to their insurance company who could then make investigations and cut down on levels of fraud. What's more, not only does insurance fraud put innocent lives at risk, but it is also responsible for adding about £40 to the average honest policy holder's premium so it's in everyone's interests that we make it harder for crooks."
(ArticlesBase SC #2412391)
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