Preparing your car for winter breaks down into two categories: regular car maintenance and specialty items to deal with inclement weather. Regular car maintenance includes things that you do to your car year round. You need to make sure that these maintenance tasks get done before the weather starts to change so you can make sure that your car is running at its optimum level.
Before the winter starts, you should get your car's routine maintenance up to date. Getting your oil changed and your brakes fixed are essential in preparing your car for winter. Roads can be dangerous after the first snowfall. If you opt to go for snow tires, you should get them installed several weeks before winter hits. Snow tires aren't always necessary but they are a good idea if you are going to be driving in a place that experiences a lot of snowfall. Even if you don't need snow tires, check to make sure that your tires are in good enough shape to handle the wintry conditions.
The next part of car preparation is gathering together the supplies that you'll need to get your car running when the weather is bad. These supplies should be kept in two spaces: your garage and in your car. For your garage, you'll need a shovel, a small broom and some de-icing spray. These are necessary in order to free your car from any heavy snowfall that occurred the night before. You may also find an ice scraper handy.
For your car, you should carry an additional ice scraper and some de-icing spray to use if you have to park outside during work hours. These items should be kept with a winter emergency kit that is stored in the trunk of your car. In addition to the scraper and spray, you should store a blanket, some dry snacks, first-aid supplies and bottled water. If you're ever stuck in a snowstorm, these items will help you survive.
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